xieite ::any ::operator T ()
Defined in fragment xieite :any
A declared cast operator of
xieite ::any
to any other type. Must be used in unevaluated context, as it is not actually implemented.This is not marked
because it would otherwise have to be [implicitly instantiated if the existence of its definition affects the semantics of the program] if it is [needed for constant evaluation (even if not required)] if this function is [named by an expression that is potentially constant evaluated] if the expression is [an immediate subexpression of a brace initializer list].Basically, this function would behave differently in a case like
int { xieite ::any () }
template <typename T >explicit (false )operator T ()const noexcept ;
Output:import xieite ;void f (int ,float ,char16_t***&& ) {}int main () {xieite ::any any ;// Check if `f` is callable with three arguments of any type xieite ::dump (requires {f (any ,any ,any ); }); }
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