
Defined in fragment xieite:type_list
(header-only: <xieite/meta/type_list.hpp>)

Replaces a subrange of a xieite::type_list between two indices with the elements of another. The end index is exclusive.


template<std::size_t start, std::size_t end, typename List>
using rplc_list = /* xieite::type_list<???> */;


import xieite;

int main() {
	using Foo = xieite::type_list<int, char, float, double>;
	using Bar = xieite::type_list<short, long>;

	xieite::dump(xieite::name<Foo::rplc_list<1, 3, Bar>>());
Possible output:
xieite::type_list<int, short, long, double>
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